Afortunado Riding with the King at Brieah
DOB - 02/20/15
Ch DoMarco Custom Tailored N Jazzy "Jazz" x Ch Afortunado Mistress of the Deep Blue Sea RN NA NAJ NAF "Azul"
DOB - 02/20/15
Ch DoMarco Custom Tailored N Jazzy "Jazz" x Ch Afortunado Mistress of the Deep Blue Sea RN NA NAJ NAF "Azul"
Riley was at the St Croix Kennel Club show in August and at the tender age of six months four days, he won a 4 point major Winners Dog and then took Best of Winners honors. What a wonderful way to start a show career!
But, of course, the most important job this boy does is to supervise and love his young charge. And Riley does a remarkable job! |