Are you looking for something to do with your dog? Portuguese Water Dogs are a working breed. As such, there is nothing they desire more than a job. Remember, if a PWD is not given a job to do, they are most likely to go out on their own and find one themselves. This breed was originally developed and bred by the Portuguese fishermen to work on their boat. For information on Water Work click here.
What is the importance of a title on your dog? The following article, written by Sandy Mowery specifically refers to an Obedience title, but I think I speak for all the titled Afortunado dogs and their owners who can attest to the fact that these sentiments ring true no matter what title your dog achieves!
What is the importance of a title on your dog? The following article, written by Sandy Mowery specifically refers to an Obedience title, but I think I speak for all the titled Afortunado dogs and their owners who can attest to the fact that these sentiments ring true no matter what title your dog achieves!
What is an Obedience Title, Really?
By Sandy Mowery
Not just a brag, not just a stepping stone to a higher title, not just an adjunct to competitive scores; a title is a tribute to the dog that bears it, a way to honor the dog, an ultimate memorial.
It will remain in the record and in the memory for about as long as anything is this world can remain. Few humans will do as well or better.
And though the dog himself doesn’t know or care that his achievements have been noted, a title says many things in the world of humans, where such things count.
A title says your dog was intelligent, adaptable and good natured. It says that your dog loved you enough to do the things that please you, however crazy they may have sometimes seemed.
And, a title says that you loved your dog, that you loved to spend time with him because he was a good dog, that you believed in him enough to give him yet another chance when he failed and that, in the end, your faith was justified.
A title proves that your dog inspired you to that special relationship enjoyed by so few; that in a world of disposable creatures, this dog with a title was greatly loved, and loved greatly in return.
And when that dear short life is over, the title remains as a memorial of the finest kind, the best you can give to a deserving friend, volumes of praise in one small set of initials after the name.
An obedience title is nothing less than love and respect, given and received and recorded permanently.
By Sandy Mowery
Not just a brag, not just a stepping stone to a higher title, not just an adjunct to competitive scores; a title is a tribute to the dog that bears it, a way to honor the dog, an ultimate memorial.
It will remain in the record and in the memory for about as long as anything is this world can remain. Few humans will do as well or better.
And though the dog himself doesn’t know or care that his achievements have been noted, a title says many things in the world of humans, where such things count.
A title says your dog was intelligent, adaptable and good natured. It says that your dog loved you enough to do the things that please you, however crazy they may have sometimes seemed.
And, a title says that you loved your dog, that you loved to spend time with him because he was a good dog, that you believed in him enough to give him yet another chance when he failed and that, in the end, your faith was justified.
A title proves that your dog inspired you to that special relationship enjoyed by so few; that in a world of disposable creatures, this dog with a title was greatly loved, and loved greatly in return.
And when that dear short life is over, the title remains as a memorial of the finest kind, the best you can give to a deserving friend, volumes of praise in one small set of initials after the name.
An obedience title is nothing less than love and respect, given and received and recorded permanently.
There are so many things to do with this energetic breed. Here are some of them. Take a look and maybe you might find an interest you had never considered before. The world of dog ownership can open so many doors! For more detailed information about any of the activities listed on this page, you can visit either the American Kennel Club or the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America websites.
Conformation: This is the most recognizable event in which dogs compete. Dogs are judged against a written breed standard for physical attributes and correct temperament. It is a forum for dog enthusiasts to showcase potential breeding stock. It is a great place to see a lot of dogs of all breeds and learn from experienced breeders and handlers.
Rally: Rally Obedience was introduced by the AKC as a stepping stone into competitive Obedience. It is a great way for a young dog and/or new handler to work on basic competitive Obedience skills. This is also a sport that offers titles on your dog through AKC as does Obedience, but the rules differ slightly. Rally allows the handler to talk to the dog and use any hand signals needed. Competitors in Rally are generally very encouraging and helpful even on trial day. It is a great way to spend time with your dog and, more than likely, meet new friends. Click here to get some introductory information on Rally.
Obedience: A well behaved dog is essential to a happy family life. Obedience class offerings generally start for puppies at around the ages of 3-5 months old, but training can start as soon as you get home with your puppy. By teaching your puppy the basic commands of sit, stay and down as well as a strong recall, you have laid the foundation for more advanced Obedience work. More importantly, your new family member will have the tools to behave respectfully around you and your guests and with a good recall, he will be much safer when he is outside. Once your dog knows the basic Obedience commands, you may want to take more advanced classes and work toward AKC recognized Obedience titles for your dog. As with any other activity done with your dog, the relationship between you and your dog can only strengthen. Click here for information on starting out in Obedience.
Agility: The sport of canine agility is the fastest growing sport the AKC offers. In agility, dogs must run a pre-designed course including tunnels, jumps and other obstacles following the handler's verbal and body cues. Classes in agility are offered at most training facilities and local kennel clubs. AKC recognized titles are earned through competition at agility trials. This sport creates a strong bond between handler and dog and provides wonderful exercise for both. It is the most fun you can have with your dog! There is an introduction to Agility here.
Therapy Work: The Portuguese Water Dog's outgoing temperament and natural need to be around people makes this breed a wonderful therapy dog. There are many different types of therapy work available to dogs. Dogs are probably most often seen in senior facilities, nursing homes and hospitals. Many therapy dogs are now being used as reading assistance dogs in schools and libraries. There are several owners working in the mental health fields who take their Therapy dogs into work with them. Starting your puppy at an early age to feel comfortable in several different situations outside her home with loud noises and lots of people around will go a long way when she matures a little and is eligible to pass her therapy dog test. There are several therapy organizations who certify therapy dogs. These are listed on the AKC website with links for each individual organization.
Tracking: Training a dog to track requires little equipment. You would need a long lead, a few small orange flags and a dog with a good nose and a willingness to work. Titles in tracking start with a 440-500 yard course and 3-5 turns and get progressively longer with more turns as you work up to higher levels. Dogs track a scent that is laid earlier in the day and end the course by finding the hidden object (usually a glove). AKC awards tracking titles to eligible dogs upon completion of a course. An introduction to Tracking can be found here.
Lure Coursing and FASTCat:
The American Kennel Club introduced the Coursing Ability Title (CAT) open to all breeds in order to provide owners and dogs an entry onto the sport of lure coursing. It is a sport originally intended for Sight Hounds, but with this new title, the AKC has opened the way for all of us to enjoy this fast, non-competitive sport with our dogs. The dogs chase a lure around a designated track and must complete the course within a set amount of time. Dogs run individually and the course is a simple pass/fail. Click here for more information about Lure Coursing.
Fast CAT® – which stands for Coursing Ability Test – is a timed 100-yard dash where dogs run one at a time, chasing a lure. It’s over before you know it — and it’s nothing short of awe-inspiring to watch your dog run at top speed, ears back, eyes focused, legs strong. And if your dog is really fast, you might earn bragging rights if their name makes onto AKC's list of top 20 fastest dogs by breed! All dogs can participate in Fast CAT, whether purebred or mixed breed. Click here for more information on Fast CAT.
The American Kennel Club introduced the Coursing Ability Title (CAT) open to all breeds in order to provide owners and dogs an entry onto the sport of lure coursing. It is a sport originally intended for Sight Hounds, but with this new title, the AKC has opened the way for all of us to enjoy this fast, non-competitive sport with our dogs. The dogs chase a lure around a designated track and must complete the course within a set amount of time. Dogs run individually and the course is a simple pass/fail. Click here for more information about Lure Coursing.
Fast CAT® – which stands for Coursing Ability Test – is a timed 100-yard dash where dogs run one at a time, chasing a lure. It’s over before you know it — and it’s nothing short of awe-inspiring to watch your dog run at top speed, ears back, eyes focused, legs strong. And if your dog is really fast, you might earn bragging rights if their name makes onto AKC's list of top 20 fastest dogs by breed! All dogs can participate in Fast CAT, whether purebred or mixed breed. Click here for more information on Fast CAT.
Barn Hunt: Barn Hunt is based on the traditional roles of many different breeds of dogs when they were needed to rid homes, barns and fields of mice and other small animals that could be very destructive. Now as a dog sport, it is gaining wide popularity and, although offered through the Barn Hunt Association, the titles are recognized by both AKC and UKC. Tests are set up where the dog is asked to find a rat hidden in a cage amongst hay bales in a large barn or building. The dog has to indicate where the rat is and the handler then signals the judge for a successful completion of the run. More information and rules can be found on the Barn Hunt Association website.
Herding: Although Portuguese Water Dogs are not a breed recognized by the AKC to earn titles in Herding trials, there are several breed clubs who open up their trials to many non-traditional herding breeds. The natural urge to herd in the Portuguese Water Dogs goes back to those fishing boats in Portugal when they were required to herd fish into the nets. Several Afortunado puppy owners talk of their porties herding other dogs, ducks, even children when they feel there is a need to get that particular job done!
Dock Diving : Will your dog do anything for his favorite toy? Have you watched him fearlessly dive into water – say, in a lake or pool? If so, he might love participating in one of the fastest growing sports, Diving Dogs! Almost any dog can do it, as long as he loves water, knows how to swim, and has a natural passion for retrieving.Diving Dogs is a fun, exciting but easy to do sport with simple rules: You throw your dog’s favorite toy into a pool while he waits on a dock about 40 feet long. On your command, he runs along the dock, flings himself off the end of it, lands in the water and grabs his toy. The goal? To have the longest jump possible, which could be as short as two feet for beginners, but could be as much as 30 feet for those more experienced!
The North America Diving Dogs website has all the information you need! NADD
The North America Diving Dogs website has all the information you need! NADD